First Funding Period (2021-2023)

Aims of the first funding phase

In the first funding phase, the project aimed to develop a digital 3D viewer for digital, source-based 3D reconstructions. Further goals were:

  • Creation of an interdisciplinary application profile
  • Workflow for the delivery of a 3D model in the repository
  • 3D presentation in the DFG viewer
  • Establishment of a 3D repository
  • Rights concept
  • Dissemination

Duration: 01.04.2021 - 30.09.2023

Alpha Version

Since July 2022, a first alpha version of the DFG 3D Viewer is publicly available. For illustration purposes, there is the possibility to view prototypical 3D models in an external repository.

The repository with prototypical 3D models is an instance of the virtual research environment WissKI under construction at Mainz University of Applied Sciences. 

Another Repository, in which 3D models with CC licences from Sketchfab have been aggregated, is available at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

Project Partner of first funding phase

Four external partners were involved in incorporating the requirements from different research areas (and the collection of different models) into the DFG Viewer:

  • LMU Munich (Prof. Dr Stefan Hoppe, Art History)
  • BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg (Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dominic Lengyel, Architecture)
  • University of Cologne (Prof. Dr Eleftheria Paliou, Archaeology)
  • Deutsches Museum Munich (Dr Georg Hohmann, History of Technology)